What are the Benefits of Taking an Omega-3 Supplement?


Are you getting enough omega-3? These fatty acids help vital organs and body systems function as they should, and they are essential for overall good health. Many people in the US, however, are getting far less than the recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty acid. Why? Omega-3s are obtained through dietary sources, and anyone who adheres to the traditional western diet probably isn’t eating enough of the foods that are rich in these vital fatty acids.  

How can you get enough omega-3 in your diet? Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in:

You can add omega-3 supplements to a healthy, balanced diet to make sure that you’re getting all of the beneficial fatty acids your body needs. Moxxor® Omega-3 supplements are all natural and food-based, so that your body can easily absorb them and get the full benefit of omega-3 supplements.

Moxxor® Omega-3 supplements provide a full-range of omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, EPA, and ETA. Getting enough omega-3 in your diet has definite health benefits, and can improve:

Brain Health – The omega-3 fatty acid DHA is needed for optimal brain health. Our brains are partially made up of DHA, and taking in enough high-quality fatty acids through foods and supplements can help your brain stay healthy throughout your life.

Cardiovascular Function – Regular consumption of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA has been found to reduce the risk of developing heart disease and artery disease. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat foods rich in fatty acids at least two times a week.

Joint Health – Having adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, including those from supplements, in your diet can help you keep your joints healthy and maintain normal range of motion, even as you age.

Cholesterol Levels – Omega-3s have a beneficial effect on regulating HDL and triglyceride levels. Maintaining good cholesterol levels is an important part of staying healthy throughout your lifetime.  

Skin & Hair Health – Taking omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in Moxxor® Omega-3 supplements, can help keep your skin and hair looking great while contributing to better overall health.

Mood – Being in good health means feeling your best, too. Studies have correlated lower blood levels of omega-3 to increased rates of depression. Getting enough omega-3 through supplements can give your mood a boost and help your body combat daily stress.

In addition to the omega-3 fatty acids that you need for a healthy brain and body, Moxxor® Omega-3 supplements contain antioxidants that help protect your body from free radical damage and can decrease harmful inflammation too. Unlike many types of fish, these supplements contain no mercury. And unlike some supplements, Moxxor® Omega-3 supplements are preservative free, gluten free, protein free, and GMO free.

Adding an omega-3 supplement to your diet can help you get all of the essential fatty acids you need, every day. Our mission at Moxxor is to help people improve their health with our 100% pure and natural, eco-friendly products. See what our customers have to say about Moxxor® Omega-3 supplements and their health. Order your supplements now, or call: 888-366-9967 for any questions about our products. Get all of the benefits of taking an omega-3 supplement with Moxxor® Omega-3.